website landing page mockup
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When a potential client lands on your website, they don’t want a leisurely stroll. They want answers, they want solutions and they want them fast! This is your make-or-break moment. 

Here’s some good news: even law firms without large budgets can benefit from well-designed landing pages.

We’re spilling the secrets of how to craft an effective landing page for lawyers that will convert curious clicks into committed clients—and how you can get a great landing page for your own site in less time than it takes to pick up lunch from your favorite neighborhood spot.

Your landing page is the most critical moment in a client’s journey

Controversial, we know—but it’s true!

The moment a person encounters your landing page, they are mere microseconds away from making a decision about whether to continue exploring your site or click away. 

Your landing page should explain why you are the lawyer they’ve been searching for, all within a few clicks and scrolls. Fail to impress on your landing page and your guest will disappear, taking their revenue and future referrals with them.

Essential elements in a landing page for lawyers

Roses are red, violets are blue, and crafting a landing page is not about you

Every element on your landing page should speak to the potential client’s needs. However, you can pull some sneaky design tricks to talk about yourself and help encourage a person to take desirable actions.   

  • Write a CTA: You need a clear, obvious call-to-action. It could be “Fill out a form” or “Book a free 15-minute call.” Think about the single action you want a person to take. It should lead them closer to becoming a client. Be specific and concise, and use colors to highlight this area. 
  • Remove content: This is not the place to jam a bunch of SEO keywords and explanations. Instead, remove content and aim for sparse. A paragraph of text paired with a bold image is plenty.
  • Include your UVP: Your unique value proposition should be immediately obvious. Why is your firm different from its competitors? State your value and back it up with a testimonial (aka social proof).

One more thing: Every person that visits your site will be different. Some people will be ready to book a call. Others might wish to read your attorney profiles or check out your Google reviews first.

To give yourself the best chance of netting the most new business, consider strategizing and then limiting the number of actions a person can take on your landing page. For instance, you could hide the main navigation menu so that the only two options are “book a call” or “learn more.” This technique helps you immediately sort users into categories based on intent, which enables you to control the user journey and answer their needs more confidently.

You don’t have to be a trust fund baby to afford a good landing page

More money doesn’t guarantee more results. If you’re scrappy or simply working on a budget, then you’re probably well-accustomed to assembling solutions piecemeal. We respect the hustle—but sometimes these cobbled-together solutions fall apart.

A modest budget properly invested can get best-in-class results.

A well-designed landing page is not some secret formula reserved for billionaires and Fortune 500 companies. Designing landing pages for lawyers is straightforward. So, why reinvent the wheel? 

Get an affordable law firm website with a tested landing page format built for legal professionals, and spend your money on things that actually need a cash influx to get results. 

Think of all the ways you could grow your business if you opted for a budget-friendly custom template and invested the savings in marketing and branding instead. 

Don’t confuse campaign landing pages for your website’s landing page

Most law firm websites have a main landing page (which is sometimes the same as the home page). This is probably where visitors land when they search for your firm’s name or go directly to your URL.

However, some specific marketing campaigns will also need their own landing pages unique to those campaigns and their conversion goals. For example, you might run a PPC ad targeting people in a specific geographic area with a focused set of keywords. This campaign should lead people to a unique landing page that answers those concerns, not your general landing page.

Remember, business development and website design should be in an ongoing conversation. You can A/B test designs and tweak them to improve your results. Your potential clients might respond better to a serif font or a blue button. You don’t need to redesign your law firm’s website every year, of course, but you can update it regularly.

Aim for constant improvement with your landing page instead of a final magnus opus.

Final words

Three things are true: 1) Your business won’t survive without a powerful landing page, 2) You don’t need to spend a ton of money on landing page design, and 3) template websites can be a good solution. 

With OneFirst, you get the benefit of an effective turnkey website solution designed by a fleet of skilled marketers and developers with legal expertise—and all you have to pay for is the product.

About the Author
The team at OneFirst Legal has built websites for thousands of law firms across the United States. Fueled by data and whole lot of creativity, OneFirst helps law firms make a powerful first impression online with websites that convert visitors into clients.