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Struggling to pick the right photos for your law firm’s website? There’s a lot to consider, but you definitely need more than basic stock photos. 

We’ve rounded up the most important criteria to help you make a powerful first impression with the photos on your practice’s site. Not only do you need high-res retina images, but your visuals need to empathize with your potential clients while communicating professionalism and integrity. 

It’s a tall order for a group of pixels, but we’ve got you covered. From resolution to subject matter, here’s a quick guide to selecting and enhancing photos for your attorney website.

So you want high-quality images? You need retina images

A retina image is essentially an image with a higher pixel density than traditional images, ensuring exceptional clarity and sharpness. They are usually at least 2x as large as the screen. Retina images are optimized for high-resolution displays, making them critical for modern websites that will be viewed on higher pixel density tablet screens, smartphones and desktops. 

Why does your firm need this type of image?

Retina images significantly enhance the user experience—that’s why we give all OneFirst users retina images. High-resolution visuals make your content more engaging and visually appealing, with crisp details. Ultimately, this simple change can lead to higher user satisfaction and prolonged engagement.

Beyond that, retina images can bolster a website’s credibility. Law firms are built on trust and professionalism. Crystal-clear, high-quality visuals communicate a commitment to excellence and attention to detail.

Life’s not perfect, so here are tools to enhance low-res images

Sometimes you’re stuck with images that are not high-res. Maybe it’s a blurry photo a friend took of you speaking at an event, or perhaps an older headshot that you love.

But you’re living in the era of AI! There are now tools to fix pixelated, low-res images that would otherwise bring down your website’s production value.

  • Photoshop’s Content-Aware Scale 
  • Lightroom
  • AI-driven solutions like Gigapixel AI or Let’s Enhance

These tools can add in some missing details and sharpen low-res images. 

Remember image compression, too! The WebP format can help images load faster without looking like they’ve gone through a blender.

Now, here’s the catch: it’s crucial not to go overboard. Too much enhancement can make your visuals look unnatural and, well, just plain weird. Striking that perfect balance between improving image quality and preserving their integrity is the name of the game.

How to select the right photos for law firm marketing

Selecting images is more complex than you might think. The subject matter, the colors, the perspective and the mood are very important factors. 

Choose images that convey trust, professionalism, and empathy.

In terms of practice area, think about user empathy and the emotional state of someone who might be visiting your website. A photo can either alienate your audience or empathize with them. For instance, a distressing image of a violent car crash might be eye-catching, but it is not very welcoming or calming to someone who has just experienced a terrible accident.

Consider what values an image communicates when representing your potential clients. Do your images show people of more than one race and more than one gender? If you’re a family lawyer, for instance, does your website showcase a variety of family arrangements? 

When representing yourself and your office, choose legal imagery that communicates calm professionalism and organization. Tidy up your office and get a skilled photographer to snap some shots. Believe us, it’s worth wrapping the cost of a photographer into your law firm website cost.

  • Choose images that are specifically relevant to your practice area
  • Consider the emotional response you want to evoke, and be empathetic
  • When possible, use images of your actual office as stock photos can feel impersonal
  • Ensure your images align with your firm’s brand and values
  • High-resolution, compressed images are best
  • Stay within legal boundaries regarding copyrights and image licenses

Final words

We encourage law firms to invest in high-quality, high-resolution images. Furthermore, be thoughtful about selecting visuals, as an image can leave a lasting impression on someone—or lose you a gig.

If you don’t know where to start, how about a 15-minute consultation? The OneFirst legal marketers and designers are available to explain the templates and pricing on offer. Get help charting a course toward the online presence your law firm deserves.

About the Author
The team at OneFirst Legal has built websites for thousands of law firms across the United States. Fueled by data and whole lot of creativity, OneFirst helps law firms make a powerful first impression online with websites that convert visitors into clients.