PPC, or Pay Per Click, campaigns can be highly effective for managing your online reputation. Specifically, branded PPC can be a strategic investment that yields substantial rewards with minimum spend—if you do it under the right circumstances.
Getting Your Law Firm in the Map Pack
Ever wondered about that nifty Google Map Pack that magically pops up when you’re hunting for your next taco joint or the closest grocery store? You know the one that lists three local gems and pins them on a map? Well, it’s a game-changer when it comes to local search for law firms, too.
The Surprising Power of the Photo
Struggling to pick the right photos for your law firm’s website? There’s a lot to consider, but you definitely need more than basic stock photos. We’ve rounded up the most important criteria to help you make a powerful first impression with the photos on your practice’s site.
Ranking First for Your Name in Google Search Results
If you’re like most attorneys, you probably assume that your website will pop up first on the search engine results pages, also called SERPs, when a referral Googles you. It’s your unique name, after all! But in most cases, it’s simply not true.
Millennials Are Retaining Lawyers. Here’s What You Should Know.
Millennials are retaining lawyers – and to attract their business, it’s essential for you to understand their digital consumption habits and what they want from your web presence. Here are three trends to be mindful of in refining your marketing strategy.