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Introducing yourself can be a make-or-break moment for your law firm—even online, when you can’t actually shake hands or say hello. That’s why it’s so important to refine your attorney profile page.

Your attorney profile is the heart of your legal site. Done correctly, the design and the content of this page could earn you your next case. This is the key moment where you showcase who you are, prove your relevance to a potential client, and lead them toward reaching out to you for help. 

It’s a moment-to-moment battle to capture and keep attention on the Internet, so we’re highlighting seven attorney profiles and what you can learn from them. From humanizing yourself with lifestyle photos, videos, and fun facts to condensed bios with clear navigation, clickable links, and embedded testimonials, here’s your guide to building the ultimate attorney profile in any practice area.

Michael Saeedian of Saeedian Law Group

Michael is an accident attorney in California. His attorney profile page radiates confidence and approachability. It also incorporates key navigational elements like a Contact form and internal links to practice pages.


  • A different photo on the attorney profile page 
  • High-quality photo 
  • Smiling expression is welcoming
  • Posed in front of a wall of framed diplomas


  • Simple language in the biography
  • Internal links to guide potential clients to other pages
  • Personal backstory helps readers build trust


  • Drop-down menus save space and encourage engagement
  • Contact information is easy to find next to the profile

Niamh McMahon of McMahon Butterworth Thompson

Niamh is a commercial lawyer in New Zealand. Her profile is approachable and dynamic, incorporating a video and personal information to round out her professional accomplishments.


  • Short video is located at the top of the page, inspiring immediate engagement 
  • Video shows the attorney outside of work and practicing law


  • Simple language describing the areas of law she practices
  • Shares her “why”
  • Uses personal information to humanize herself (SCUBA diving, parent to three sons)


  • Non-pretentious layout with simple FAQ-style headings
  • Plenty of negative space for readability

Karen Abraham of Lowenstein Sandler

Karen is a corporate lawyer in New York. Her profile is to the point, providing a condensed section with key information up front such as her areas of practice and her pronouns. 


  • Photo is high-quality
  • Shows the attorney’s personality
  • Positions the attorney in a setting related to her practice area


  • Lists her pronouns at the top of the biography
  • Calls out key areas of practice to help clients understand whether she can help them


  • Non-
  • Quick-click links for Bio, Experience, News and Insights
  • Clickable links for her publications

Chris Tymchuck of Unique Estate Law

Chris is an estate planning and probate attorney in Minnesota. Her profile is personable, clear, and well-rounded while providing key information to earn potential clients’ trust.


  • Friendly, casual pose
  • Photo background is a street setting, communicating real-world experience


  • Attorney shares personal stories related to practice areas to reassure
  • Calls out relatable experiences in “I am more than just an attorney” section, like the couch to 5k program
  • Internal links to other areas of the website
  • Drop-down sections for education, accomplishments, and press
  • Links out to her publications


  • Good use of headings for quick scannability
  • Enough negative space
  • Attorney’s photo is in the same color scheme as the website

Francine E. Love of Love Law Firm LLC

Francine is a start-up lawyer in New York. Her profile is relatable, confident, and readable. The bio has a unique tone that highlights accomplishments without sounding stuffy, and the friendly video encourages visitors to click.


  • Video is located at the top of “About” page, encouraging immediate engagement
  • Video includes client testimonials and B-roll of attorney at work
  • Attorney shares her philosophy and values


  • Relatable and focused on clients’ needs
  • Catchy motto, with explanation of the philosophy behind it
  • Calls out attorney’s accomplishments and leadership roles
  • Personal story shared proudly 


  • Heading for the bio calls out her specialty, “small business and start up lawyer”
  • Well-organized, with video at the top followed by bio and recognitions
  • Sidebar includes contact info and attorney-specific testimonials

Sul Lee of Sul Lee Law Firm

Sul is a business, real estate, and IP lawyer in Texas. Her profile is confident and clear, calling out key information like her dedication to the Korean business community. A brief video features a casual introduction with Sul, sharing her story and motivations for practicing law. 


  • At the top is a classic headshot on a white background featuring the attorney in a blazer
  • Below, a casual, interview-style video explores her journey to becoming a lawyer


  • The first sentence is about her clients’ needs, not herself
  • Calls out unique skills, like fluency in Korean
  • Highlights social proof, like referral rates and local leadership roles
  • Mentions her family and personal hobbies at the end


  • Professional headshot followed by casual video is a good pairing
  • Drop-down sections below the video invite engagement
  • Badges for achievements create social proof

Sneed Mitchell

Brit and Niles are injury lawyers in Houston. Their profiles are relatable and unique, with personal elements that showcase their local status. The bios eschew long lists of bullet points and instead deliver key information that clients actually care about.


  • Photos break the frame with transparent backgrounds.
  • Poses are energetic, confident, and contemporary


  • A short quote at the top explains each attorney’s philosophy
  • Topical but unique elements like favorite legal TV show, sports team, and superhero
  • Condensed bio includes only the information that is relevant to users 


  • Each profile has a list of links to connect with that lawyer on social media or via email.
  • Layout is simple yet bold, using color hierarchy to guide the eye around the page.
  • Superhero call-out in bio relates to the superhero element in the firm’s logo.

Final words

Your attorney profile is and isn’t about you. Its purpose is to reveal who you are through the lens of a potential client’s fears and desires. They need to know that you are approachable, competent, experienced, and innovative. 

A successful attorney profile is simple, confident, unique, and well-organized. But you don’t have to reinvent the wheel—invest in the best wheel you can buy. 

Using a template attorney website is actually the best way to support innovation. With a structure that’s proven to get results, you can customize your online content to fit your firm’s goals. That’s a recipe for a powerful first impression.